All celebs have their ‘sh*@! We’ve run out of milk’ disguise for when they need to quickly pop to the shop! Turns out, our beloved Steve Irwin was no different! Except, in true Steve Irwin fashion, his disguise wasn’t for popping to the shops, it was to pop into his favourite place – the zoo. Sigrid Thornton, who is currently on I’m a Celeb, shared a video from the archives, of Steve Irwin donning speed-dealer sunnies and fake teeth. He really does look like a completely different person! In an interview from 2022, Robert says his dad would sometimes dress as an alter ego known as ‘Glenn Glamour’ to get jobs done around the zoo without being noticed.
Here is a video of Sigrid Thornton reminiscing with Robert, son of the late Steve Irwin:
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And here is Glenn – Uh, Steve!

What a true Aussie legend!